This is a bit fancier than the bread which I normally bake, but it turned out to be a really easy recipe to follow and the resulting bread was delicious - crisp, flaky outer shell with cheese and olive filling - think a very large, crisper, savoury croissant and you are almost there.
Delicious warm/hot straight from the oven, or reheat later.
9 oz bread flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp caster sugar
1/2 sachet yeast
3 1/2 fl oz hand-hot milk
1 egg, beaten
2 oz butter, chilled and cut into very small cubes
2 oz stoned olives, sliced
4 oz cheddar cheese, grated
1 egg, beaten
salt and freshly ground pepper
Mix together the beaten egg and warmed milk and then add them to the dry ingredients. Turn the dough on to a board and knead until smooth and elastic. (Compared to the vast batches of bread which I normally make this was a tiny amount and I found it a joy to knead such a small quantity!)
Place in a clean, greased bowl and cover. Leave to double in size - about 30-40 minutes, depends how warm your kitchen is.

Place the dough on a plate and chill for about 20 minutes.
Mix together the filling ingredients, save a little egg for glazing.
Roll the dough out into an oblong about 8x12 inches. Spread the filling over the surface. Roll along the long side, like a Swiss roll. Shape into a ring. Mine was more like a horseshoe, but never mind!
Place on a greased baking sheet. Make a series of cuts around the ring, brush with beaten egg. Leave to rise for about 30 minutes.
Plae in a preheated oven 220C/fan oven 200C or gas mark 7.
Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack and wait for the gannets to descend.
I found the recipe in a WI book - Best-kept Secrets of the WI.
The outer bread case was crisp and flaky, the filling was like a savoury croissant. When I make it next time I'll use a more mature cheese for a stronger flavour, but that is down to personal taste. The grandchildren thoroughly enjoyed it, even if one did pick out all the olives.